

Patient Education Articles and Other Resources

Offering expert footcare services for Laredo, TX, and the surrounding community for over 25 years

Patient Education Articles

Do you have a personal health story that you would like to share with others?

Many people, especially when newly diagnosed, find comfort in knowing that others are having similar experiences. This is also helpful for loved ones of those dealing with health-related issues.

* All submissions are reviewed and then published in the appropriate sections across the network of HealthChannels by, Inc. (publisher of podiatrychannel).


For an interactive discussion on medical topics, please visit podiatrychannel’s peer-to-peer forum.

Support Organizations

The following links are provided and monitored by, the publisher of podiatrychannel:, Inc., does not endorse specific organizations. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the following links, which are provided as a courtesy. If any information requires updating, please contact podiatrychannel.